Financial Resources

During COVID

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) provides a variety of support services to individuals affected by COVID-19 in California including sick or quarantined workers, unable to work because you are caring for an ill or quarantined family member with COVID-19 and those who have reduced work hours.

Financial Resources During COVID
Restaurant Opportunities Centers United – Restaurant Workers Relief Fund Restaurant workers in need of financial assistance. /

Trabajadores de restaurante que necesitan asistencia financiera. Yes / Si.
One Fair Wage Emergency Fund Cash assistance to restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, personal service workers and more who need the money they aren’t getting to survive. /

Asistencia gratuita en efectivo a los trabajadores de restaurantes, conductores de reparto y otros trabajadores que reciben propinas y trabajadores de servicio, quienes están viendo disminuir sus ingresos durante este desastre. 



Will be making temporary cash gifts to workers as funding becomes available. /

Van a repartir el dinero cuando esté disponible. 

USBG National Charity Foundation – Bartender Emergency Assistance Program Bartenders, or the spouse or child of a bartender who have experienced an emergency hardship.  Specific requirements here:  / 


Camareros/as, o esposo/a o hijos de camareros/as de bar, que están sufriendo una emergencia.  Requisitos especificos aqui: Applications are reviewed the week of the 15th of each month (exceptions may be made during times of natural disaster or other crisis events) / Revisan solicitudes el 15 de cada mes (hay la posibilidad de excepciones en tiempos de desastre o crisis).
Another Round, Another Rally Emergency Assistance $500 relief grants.  Workers in the hospitality industry, dishwasher, bartender, server, busser, chef, cook, sommelier, manager, host, concierge, cleaning staff, or barback may apply for funds.  /


$500 de asistencia.  Trabajadores en hospitalidad, lavaplato, mesero, busser, chef, cocinero, sumiller, gerente, anfitrión, conserje, personal de limpieza o barback pueden aplicar. 

Website / Sitio web: Yes! Distributing funds via Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle, or Paypal.

Si! Se puede recibir fondos por Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle, or Paypal. 

National Domestic Workers Alliance Coronavirus Care Fund At this time, the application is open to domestic workers who have participated in activities of the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA), NDWA chapters, affiliate organizations, circles and current Alia users. We will open the Fund for applications from other domestic workers as soon as funding allows. /

En este momento, la solicitud está abierta para las niñeras, trabajadoras de limpieza y trabajadoras de cuidado en el hogar que han participado en actividades de la Alianza Nacional de Trabajadoras del Hogar (la ANTH), sus capítulos, organizaciones afiliadas, círculos y usuarias actuales de Alia. Abriremos el Fondo para solicitudes de otras trabajadoras de hogar, tan pronto como la recaudación de fondos permita.

Coronavirus Care Fund – NDWA Membership

If you are a domestic worker, text RELIEF to 97779 to get updates from NDWA, and find out when the Coronavirus Care Fund applications are ready. /

Si usted es una trabajadora del hogar, envíe la palabra ALIVIO por texto al 97779 para recibir informes de la ANTH, incluyendo una notificación cuando estén disponibles las aplicaciones para solicitar asistencia de emergencia del Coronavirus Care Fund. 

Yes. / Si.
National Day Laborer Organizing Network – Immigrant Worker Safety Net Fund Day Laborers / Jornaleros. No application available yet; for now, workers can contact NDLON by email at or by phone at (626) 799-3566. / Por ahora, no hay un solicitud; por ahora, contactar a NDLON por o por telefono a (626) 799-3566.

Check for updates here / buscar informacion actualizada aqui:

Not yet. / Todavia no.
UndocuFund for Disaster Relief in Sonoma County


Undocumented individuals and families residing in Sonoma County who have lost homes, wages, or employment. /

Individuos y familias indocumentadas que viven en el Condado de Sonoma quienes han perdido su casa, su sueldo, o su empleo. 

To be added to our waitlist for assistance related to the coronavirus pandemic, complete the application. / Para ser agregada/o a nuestra lista de espera para ayuda debido a la pandemia del coronavirus, complete la solicitud: 


For now, there is a waitlist. / Por ahora, existe una lista de espera.
Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation Emergency assistance for those employed by restaurants or bars or are employed by a restaurant or bar supplier. /

Asistencia de emergencia a los trabajadores de restaurantes y camareros/as y trabajadores de un proveedor de restaurantes. 

Website/Sitio web:

English Application:

Aplicación en Español:

Yes / Si.
NorCal Resist (Sacramento) Providing limited cash assistance for undocumented families in the Sacramento area who have lost work due to COVID19. /

Asistencia monetaria limitada a familias indocumentadas en el área de Sacramento que han perdido su trabajo debido a COVID-19

Call / llama al (916) 382-0256. 

Yes / si.

805 UndocuFund

(Ventura & Santa Barbara)

Undocumented individuals residing in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. /

Personas indocumentadas que viven en los condados de Ventura o Santa Barbara. Not yet. / Todavía no.
Napa Valley Community Foundation (Napa County) Available for workers who live in Napa County, whose household income is at or below 120% of Area Median Income, and who do not qualify for government-sponsored unemployment or paid family leave benefits (Undocumented). /

Disponible para trabajadores que viven en el condado de Napa, cuyos ingresos familiares son iguales o inferiores al 120% de los ingresos medios del área, y que no califican para el desempleo patrocinado por el gobierno o los beneficios de licencia familiar pagada (indocumentados).

For residents of Calistoga, St. Helena and surrounding areas– please call (707) 965-5010 or email

For residents of Napa, Yountville and American Canyon – please call (707) 363-8390 or email /

Para residentes de Calistoga, St. Helena y sus alrededores, llame al (707) 965-5010 o envíe un correo electrónico a 


Para residentes de Napa, Yountville y American Canyon, llame al (707) 363-8390 o envíe un correo electrónico a

No later than March 28 / A más tardar el 28 de Marzo 
Oakland Food Service Workers COVID-19 Relief Fund / El Fondo de Alivio de Emergencia para Trabajadores de Restaurantes de Oakland Available to food service workers living or working in Oakland, CA impacted by COVID-19 crisis and shutdowns (nearby city residents may also apply, but priority will be given to Oakland). /

Disponible para trabajadores de algún restaurante o servicio de comida, que viven o trabajan en Oakland, CA, y han sido afectados por la crisis + encierro (quarantine) de COVID-19 (residentes de otras ciudades cercanas pueden aplicar, pero se dará prioridad a Oakland).

Application/ solicitud: (Español y Inglés)  Yes / si.  


Deadline: March 31 / Fecha Limite: 31 de Marzo. 

UndocuScholars Relief Fund If you are undocumented yourself or have family members who are undocumented and have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. /

Si usted es indocumentado o tiene familiares indocumentados y han sido afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19. 


Application / solicitud:  

Yes / si.

Distributing funds via Venmo, Zelle, or Paypal.

Se puede recibir fondos por Venmo, Zelle, or Paypal. 

Farmworkers’ COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fund

Farmworkers /

Trabajadores agrícolas. (donation link; application not yet available; enlace de pagina web; la solicitud todavía no disponible) No.

Oakland Undocumented Relief Fund


Immigrant Oakland workers who have lost their jobs and income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the agressive public health measures necessary to combat the spread of this disease. /

Trabajadores inmigrantes de Oakland quien han perdido su trabajo o ingresos como resultado de la pandemia de COVID-19 y las medidas de salud pública que se han tomado para frenar la propagación de la enfermedad. No, application available March 28. /

No, la solicitud será disponible el 28 de Marzo.

Latinx Elder Mutual Aid For Latinas/o/e/x people over 65 year of age who work non-wage jobs like street vending, can collectors, sales by catalog or swap meet, house cleaners,  etc.  $100-$250 por familia dependiendo fondos recaudados y personas que soliciten fondos.


Para las personas Latinas/o/e/x mayores de 65 de edad que por lo general no tiene trabajo de pago por hora. Como son los vendedores ambulantes, limpiadores de casa, vendedores por catalogo, recolectores de botes, etc. $100-250 per family depending on funds collected and number of applicants

Application is in English and Spanish. /

Solicitud en inglés y español. 

Application closes April 4th. Distribution started, via Venmo, Zelle, Paypal or grocery store card. /

Solicitud se cierra el 4 de Abril. Los fondos ya se están distribuyendo por Venmo, Zelle, Paypal o tarjeta de mandado. 

Transgender District COVID-19 Relief Fund (San Francisco Tenderloin) The relief fund is to assist the trans community in the Tenderloin neighborhood and broader San Francisco area. /

El fondo de ayuda es para ayudar a la comunidad trans en el barrio Tenderloin y el área de San Francisco.

Application/ solicitud: $150 cash grants to 25 people. / 

Donaciones en efectivo de $150 a 25 personas. 

Worker Assistance Initiative/

Iniciativa de Asistencia al Trabajador – United Way of San Diego County

(San Diego)

Low-wage workers who have experienced job loss or a reduction in pay since March 1, 2020 as a result of COVID-19, and seek assistance with paying their utility bill (gas, electric, water, trash, telephone, and internet) or rent/mortgage, are eligible. /

Los trabajadores de bajos recursos que han sufrido una pérdida de empleo o una reducción en el pago desde el 1 de marzo de 2020 como resultado de COVID-19, y buscan asistencia para pagar su factura de servicios públicos (gas, electricidad, agua, basura, telefono, y internet) o pago de alquiler (renta) / hipoteca, son elegibles.

English Application:

Solicitud en Español: 


More information / mas informacion:

Yes. / Si.
Column 1 Value 19 Column 2 Value 19 Column 3 Value 19 Column 4 Value 19

March 16, 2020 – Governor Gavin Newsom issues a new executive order that authorizes local governments to halt evictions for renters and homeowners, slows foreclosures, and protects against utility shutoffs for Californians affected by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The basis for the eviction is nonpayment of rent, or a foreclosure, arising out of a substantial decrease in the household or business income (including, but not limited to, a substantial decrease in household income caused by layoffs or a reduction in the number of compensable hours of work, or a
sub sta n tia l decrease in business income caused by a reduction in opening hours or consumer demand), or substantial out-of-pocket medical expenses, and is documented.

Many utility providers, public and private, covering electricity, gas, water, and sewer, have voluntarily announced moratoriums on service disconnections and late fees for non-payment in response to COVID-19.

Additionally, many telecommunication companies, including internet and cell phone providers, have voluntarily announced moratoriums on service disconnections and late fees for non-payment in response to COVID-19.

Riverside Public Utility Customers: 

Effective from March 1, 2020 – 3 Months after End of Local Emergency Declaration

Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) established the Emergency Recovery Assistance Program (ERAP) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to assist residential electric customers that have experienced reduced income due to loss of employment or reduced hours as a result of COVID-19.

ERAP will assist residential electric customers with a one-time $250 credit towards their utility bill.  You can find more information here:

You can apply here:

RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Pathways to Employment Program (link)
The County of Riverside has launched their Pathways to Employment Program providing adults who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic with a living wage stipend of $20 per hour; training and mentoring from non-profit and government partners; supportive services, including transportation, clothing, counseling and technological assistance.

  • For more information, please call the Housing, Homelessness Prevention and Workforce Solutions Department at (951) 955-1161, or visit
  • To fill out an interest form, click here.

CITY OF MORENO VALLEY: MoVal Rental Rescue Program (link)
The City of Moreno Valley has partnered with Inland SoCal United Way to provide emergency rental and financial assistance to keep Moreno Valley residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic housed. Assistance includes:

  • Homelessness Prevention (HP) – Up to $5,000: Rental Assistance / Rental Arrears for current housing Past Due Utility Payments.
  • Rapid Re-Housing (RR) Up to $5,000: Rental Assistance to move into permanent housing Advanced Payment of Last Month’s Rent Utility Deposits and Payments Moving Costs, Rental Application Fees, and Security Deposits.
  • Apply now here.

CITY OF MORENO VALLEY: Extra Time and Discounts for Moreno Valley Utility Customers (link)
The Mayor and City Council have unanimously approved a new COVID-19 Utility Assistance program for Moreno Valley Utility (MVU) electricity customers that includes a Covid-19 discount for qualifying customers.

  • Small Businesses on the General Service Rate (20kW or less) that are having trouble paying their bill can set up flexible payment arrangements for up to 24 months.
  • Residents can apply for an extended payment plan with up to 12 months to pay the outstanding balance accrued since March 2020. Income-qualified residents may qualify for the new discount savings program.
  • For more information, click here.

RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Housing for the Harvest Program (link)
In partnership with Riverside County and the State of California, TODEC Legal Center is coordinating outreach, housing services, wellness checks, and ancillary supportive services for essential farmworkers who have been impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. If you or a loved one works in agriculture or food processing, have tested positive for COVID-19, and require support, you may be eligible for lodging and other resources.

  • To learn more, click here.

CITY OF CORONA: Emergency Housing Needs Assistance Program (link)
Funds are still available for the City of Corona’s Emergency Housing Needs Assistance Program (EHNAP) that provides rental and utility assistance to eligible Corona renters.

  • To view the program application, click here.
  • To view Program Guidelines, click here.
  • For frequently asked questions, click here.

CITY OF JURUPA VALLEY: Rental, Utility, and Short Term Emergency Assistance (link)
In partnership with Path of Life Ministries, the City of Jurupa Valley is helping to facilitate short term emergency financial assistance to struggling City residents. Eligible uses include rent and utility payments, vehicle repairs, and employment- related licensing and training fees.

  • For information on eligibility and more, contact Path of Life’s at or call Path of Life Ministries’ hotline at (951)786-9048 ext.31

RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Housing for the Harvest Program (link)

In partnership with Riverside County and the State of California, TODEC Legal Center is coordinating outreach, housing services, wellness checks, and ancillary supportive services for essential farmworkers who have been impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic. If you or a loved one works in agriculture or food processing, have tested positive for COVID-19, and require support, you may be eligible for lodging and other resources.

  • To learn more, click here.

Renter’s Assistance and Housing Programs

To find help for renters, homeowners, and small landlords, click here or visit

March 13, 2020 – Charter and Comcast will offer 60 days of free internet service to homes with students –  For households that do not already have a subscription, Charter said that beginning Monday, it will provide free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi up to 100 Mbps, and that installation fees will be waived. The company also said it will partner with school districts to ensure local communities are aware of the offer, and that for eligible low-income households with school-aged children, it would continue to offer Spectrum Internet Assist, a low-cost broadband program delivering speeds of 30 Mbps. It also pledged to open its Wi-Fi hotspots for public use without data caps or hidden fees. Comcast, meanwhile, will waive fees for its Internet Essentials service to low-income households, President of Consumer Services Dana Strong said in a written statement. Strong also said that the company will increase internet speed for the service from 15/2 Mbps to 25/3 Mbps for both new and existing customers, and that the service will continue at that speed from now on. He said the new speeds are expected to be rolled out nationally over the next few days. New Comcast customers will be sent a self-install kit that includes a cable modem with a Wi-Fi router, he said. To enroll for Charter’s service, call 844-488-8395; for Comcast’s, 855-846-8376 for English speakers or 855-765-6995 for Spanish speakers, or go to

DPSS Offices are temporarily closed to the public until further notice; however, they are continuing to provide services through their website and call centers.

For NEW Applicants:

Customers can apply for the following benefits online through the C4Yourself website: or they can call the DPSS hotline at (877) 410-8827

To Apply for In Home Support Services (IHSS), please call the IHSS Intake line at (888) 470-4477

Social Security offices will be closed to the public. Online services remain available at Your local Social Security offices will be available by phone. You can also call the National Social Security hotline at (800)772-1213.

A new law – The Tenant, Homeowner and Small Landlord Relief and Stabilization Act of 2020 – took effect on August 31, 2020 to provide relief to tenants. If you are having trouble paying your rent due to the Covid-19 pandemic, know your rights!  For more information, please visit:

Autism Society Options Policy

This Resource Guide was developed to provide families and professionals with an opportunity to find resources related to autism in the Inland Empire in one place.

All information provided or published by the Autism Society Inland Empire is for information purposes only. Specific treatment, therapy or services should be provided to an individual only at the direction of the individual’s doctor, caregiver, or other qualified professional. References to any treatment or therapy option, program, service, or treatment provider are not an endorsement by the Autism Society. References of treatments, therapies, programs, services, and/or providers are not intended to be comprehensive statements. You should investigate alternatives that may be more appropriate for a specific individual. The Autism Society assumes no responsibility for the use made of any information published or provided. The Autism Society Inland Empire provides information, but it does not constitute medical or legal information. Referrals provided are suggestions to organizations that might help, but do not constitute a recommendation. The Autism Society Inland Empire cannot be held responsible for consequences that arise from individual dealings with a professional or organization. The inclusion of any organization does not imply endorsement, and omission does not imply disapproval. The Autism Society Inland Empire may add or remove organizations from this list at its discretion.