April 2023
Survey on Families with Complex/High Support Needs with IDD in the Inland Empire
According the California DDS data in June 2021, 21% of all Regional Center clients have “severe behavior.” These individuals and families often have complex medical, mental health, and behavioral needs. Click the graphic to see the results of the survey and recommendations to help these families.
April 2022
Report on Equity Gaps for Students with Autism & Intellectual Disabilities in the Inland Empire
Educational equity incorporates ideas of access, opportunity, and need. Students with Autism or Intellectual Disabilities make up 21% of the special education population yet little is known about the issues facing this community. Thank you to the Inland Empire Community Foundation for their generosity to fund this project to gather this data. Over 1200 parents living in the Inland Empire participated in the project.
December 2021
Final Report on new Law Enforcement Training: Use of Force & & De-escalation for Individuals with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
As the prevalence of Autism and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) continues to rise in the community, knowledge, experience, and best practices have continued to evolve. It is imperative our law enforcement officers have the most accurate and up-todate knowledge to allow them to make informed decisions in the field. This project allowed us to develop new training to build a higher level of knowledge and skills in law enforcement in the Inland Empire about the Intellectual/Developmental Disability (I/DD) community to increase successful communication and de-escalation techniques to reduce instances of lethal force such as officer-involved shootings (OIS). The Autism Society Inland Empire worked with consultants and adults with developmental disabilities to develop a 4-hour POST certified curriculum. The report details the efficacy of the training.