Relationships & Sexuality

The topic of sexuality is one that’s a challenge for many people to talk about. The challenge is compounded when individuals have specialized learning needs. Parents of adults with autism and other developmental disabilities may think adults “are not sexual,” or “They are oversexed.” Other beliefs include “If we talk about this subject it will give you ideas” or “You won’t be able to control yourself if we talk about your emerging sexuality.”
Children on the autism spectrum are 3 times as likely to be targets of bullying and physical or sexual abuse, compared to their neurotypical peers; a statistic that increases with intersectionalities with sexual orientation and gender fluidity. Did you know: Early research shows that people with autism report higher rates of homosexuality, bisexuality, and asexuality, and lower rates of heterosexuality.
Our goal is to provide families and individuals with the resources and support needed to address these challenges.
Autism Society Options Policy
This Resource Guide was developed to provide families and professionals with an opportunity to find resources related to autism in the Inland Empire in one place.
All information provided or published by the Autism Society Inland Empire is for information purposes only. Specific treatment, therapy or services should be provided to an individual only at the direction of the individual’s doctor, caregiver, or other qualified professional. References to any treatment or therapy option, program, service, or treatment provider are not an endorsement by the Autism Society. References of treatments, therapies, programs, services, and/or providers are not intended to be comprehensive statements. You should investigate alternatives that may be more appropriate for a specific individual. The Autism Society assumes no responsibility for the use made of any information published or provided. The Autism Society Inland Empire provides information, but it does not constitute medical or legal information. Referrals provided are suggestions to organizations that might help, but do not constitute a recommendation. The Autism Society Inland Empire cannot be held responsible for consequences that arise from individual dealings with a professional or organization. The inclusion of any organization does not imply endorsement, and omission does not imply disapproval. The Autism Society Inland Empire may add or remove organizations from this list at its discretion.